
Cliffies Get Tutors, Harvard Registration


Radcliffe hopes to have its own tutors next year. Each will be affiliated with a House, but will have his office in new Hilles library.

There probably will be no resident tutors, however, unless the tutor is the husband of a senior resident, May I. Bunting, President of Radcliffe said yesterday. She explained that the present Houses have no faculty suites and tha the college is most concerned with housing students in Mabel Daniels Hall, at least for next year.

Mrs. Bunting wrote to the heads of various departments last month. She told them of the available offices and asked for lists of faculty members who might be interested in Radcliffe tutorial positions, Mrs. Bunting said that she has received several lists, but no selections have been made yet.

The Masters and deans will meet to select tutors, and the process "will go on for some time," Mrs. Bunting explained. The College hopes to have several tutors chosen by the time the library opens in September.

Mrs. Bunting said that the criteria for choosing tutors will vary, and that she hopes to have some senior Faculty mem- bers. She does not know exactly how many tutors Radcliffe will have, but it will be fewer than 20. There are only 20 offices in the new library, and some of these will be occupied by Administration officials.


There will be no preference given to female tutors, Mrs. Bunting commented, although "we would be happy to have some good ones." She pointed out that although membership in tutorial groups might include students from only one Radcliffe house, they would all include Harvard men
