
Netmen Trounce Columbia, Navy; Mark Now 11-0

Two Eastern opponents bowed to Harvard's powerful tennis team last weekend, and now only Yale remains between the Crimson and an undefeated League title.

Jack Barnaby's netmen moved indoors for Friday's match with Columbia, trouncing the Lions by an 8-1 margin. Captain Dave Benjamin, weakened by a fever, lost a punchless match to Columbia's number one player Steve Gottleib, 6-3, 6-4.

Harvard won the remaining singles matches without losing more than three games in any set.

In the doubles, Harvard's new number one combination of Brian Davis and Jose Gonzalez -- a pair of strong servers and keen volleyers -- downed Gottleib and Steve Naison, 7-5, 6-2.

Bernie Adelsberg and Clive Kileff won the second doubles handily, 6-4, 6-1. Dick Appleby, playing like a hawk, teamed with Richie Friedman to win at number three, 6-2.


Navy, 5-4 victors over Dartmouth, provided a little more competition for the Crimson in Saturday's match before succumbing, 7-2.

Benjamin, Adelsberg, Kileff, and Gonzalez swept the first four singles matches in straight sets. Appleby and Davis, however, got stuck in the mire at the bottom. Appleby lost to Navy's Bob Chester, 2-6, 6-4, 6-2, and Davis dropped his first set before blitzing Middle Lance Horn, 1-6, 6-2, 6-0.

Harvard's combinations of Gonzalez-Davis and Bob Jones-Dean Pauer captured a couple of drawn-out doubles matches, while Kileff and Adelsberg found themselves at the short end of a 6-1, 3-6, 6-4 match.

The varsity, now 11-0, concludes its regular season at Yale Wednesday.
