
Harvard Seniors Win Fellowships

Seventeen Harvard seniors have been nominated for Sheldon know and show fellowship. The prises each carrying a stipend of $2200. provide for a year of study or travel abroad.

Sheldon fellowships were awarded this year to Paul D Bishop of Eliot House and Cincinnati. Ohto: Jonathan B. Coldman of Adams House and Brooklyn. N. Y: John A. Howell of Lowell House and Arlington: and Peter Lubin of Adams House and Lexington.

Five of the Knox Fellowship were awarded this year to Adams House seniors. They are John D. Gerhart of Abiline, Texas; Barry F. O' Connell of Moravia, N.Y.; Rand E. Rosenblatt of Rome, Italy; Peter H. Weiner of Los Angels, and William F. Weld of Marblehead.

Other Knox winners are David E. Faris of Eliot House and Denver, Colo.; David A. Richards of Kirkland House and Orange, N.J.; George H. Teter of Winthrop House and Milwaukee, Wis.; and Martin S. Wishnatsky of Lowell House and Wanamassa, N.J.

Shaw winners are Robert N. Cahn of Quincy House and Menio Park, Cal.; Nell J. King of Leverett House and Woodmere, N.Y.; Paul J. Mundie Jr. of Lowell House and Alexandria. Va.


Knox Fellowship winners study in a university in any British Commonwealth country that still recognizes the sovereignty of the queen.

The Sheldon and Shaw fellowships are primarily for travel rather than intensive research. Sheldon winners are choose largely on the basis of departmental recommendations and are almost always summas or high magnas. The Show fellowships go to "young men of worth who without necessarily having attained the highest scholarship in college give promise of success in professional or business careers."

The 17 fellowship winners have been nominated by the Committee on Selections. This appointments will become official when the President and the Fellows of the Corporation confirm the awards May 16th
