
Dartmouth Beats Ruggers To Win Manchester Cup

The Harvard ruggers' hopes for the Manchester Cup, a 500 season, and their at win ever over Dartmouth all collapsed when the Indians edged them, 11-3 Saturday.

Harvard, down 11-0, at the half, rallied for all its points in the last 30 minutes and threatened to tie the match just as the gun sounded. But the Manchester Cup, awarded annually to the winner of the Dartmouth-Harvard game, remained the Indians' hands as the surge fell short.

Freshman Sione Tupouniua pulled the team out of its first half lethargy with two remarkable individual efforts. He tallied six points for the Crimson by twice snatching the ball out of scrums and storming his way across the goal line.

The Crimson did not win a lineout or a scrum the whole first half. Every time harvard penetrated the Indians' zone, Dartmouth turned the play toward the sidelines and gained possession of the ball on the lineout.

Harvard belatedly changed strategy on both scrums and lineouts in the second if. Pete Peterson and Chris Phillips slammed Dartmouth's six foot four player who had been controlling all the lineouts for the Indians.


The ruggers concluded the spring with a 4-5-1 mark. The team's losing record, though it bettered that of last spring, gave no indication of the future. This was building year for Harvard with freshmen supplying half the team's starting players.

With a year of experience behind them a freshmen could make the team a power in the East next spring, and give it good shot at its first Manchester Cup.
