
Jubilee 'Lay-In' Will Not Come Off In the Radcliffe Yard As Announced

The Jubilee Committee is having a hard time finding a place for its "lay-in."

The combination outdoor movie blanket party planned for the first night of Jubilee Weekend in May was billed as a "lay-in in Radcliffe Yard" to freshmen in the Union several weeks ago, but it has been banned from Radcliffe Yard by Miss Susan S. Olson, Radcliffe dean of residence. Earlier, F. Skiddy von Stade, dean of freshmen and Sargent Kennedy Secretary of the Corporation, decided the movie could not be held in Harvard Yard.

The Committee has obtained permission to have the movie in the Union, but at least one member questions whether the Union is large enough to acco amodate 900 freshmen and their dates horizontally.

The Committee has considered holding a dance upstairs at the same time that the movie is going on in the dining room to take care of any overflow crowd

Several members said the Jubilee Committee may petition the University for Memorial Hall as a site for the show. Mem Hall will accommodate 900 people in any position.


Miss Olson, who said she was unaware that the movie had been publicized as a "lay-in," said her decision not to have the show in Radcliffe Yard was based on numerous technical considerations and especially on the fact that neither of the Yards had ever been used for such a function before.

She said she would be quite willing to discuss the matter with Mrs. Bunting if the Jubilee Committee wanted her to, but that she understood the Committee was not unhappy with her decision. Mrs. Bunting said last night she had heard nothing about the planned blanket party.

Dean von Stade said that Harvard Yard could not be used because it would be impossible to keep people from the Square from infiltrating.
