
Students to Aid Medicare Search

The Cambridge chapter of Medicare Alert is recruiting Harvard and Radcliffe students to search the local area March 12 for people over 65 who have not yet signed up for Medicare.

Using information taken from census rolls, the students will visit assigned homes and inquire if the occupants have signed up. If they haven't the students will take down the names to make sure the people receive the proper enrollment forms in time for the March 31 deadline.

Medicare Alert is an arm of the Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee. Miss Jane R. Howard, a member of the organization, said yesterday that private health insurance plans are readjusting their rates and provisions in light of Medicare, and it is important that all of Cambridge's senior citizens be enrolled. People missing this deadline will not be eligible again until October, 1967.

The March 12 search will set out from the Peabody Room of Phillips Brooks House after an instructional pep talk by a representative of the Boston Social Security office. Recruits from the League of Women Voters and Lesley College may also join them.

A similar canvass of East Cambridge will be conducted on March 19 by M.I.T. students and the Cambridge Senior Girl Scout Troop.
