
Alumni Fencers Challenge Varsity; Five Old Crimson Captains Return

"Sapienta iuvenales vives provocant" as an illustrious batch of alumni swordsmen return to fence the varsity at 7 p.m. tonight in the LAB.

The Latin motto -- "wisdom challenges youth's vigor" -- adorns a perpetual trophy designed by coach Edo Marion for this revival of an old tradition.

The alumni team includes a swarm of former Crimson captains and a couple of intercollegiate champions. Almost half the team hails from the pre-electric, pre-Ivy League days of Harvard fencing before 1955. Because two of the alumni foil men are unaccustomed to electric weapons, only conventional foils will be used. Epee will be electric. Judges will direct the sabre bouts as usual, since nobody has invented an efficient electric scoring system for sabre.

Less Than Heroic

The varsity has yet to win an Ivy League match this year. But most of the alumni also had less than heroic records while at Harvard. Six of them were on teams which finished last or next to last in the Ivy League.


In foil, Joseph S. Vera '50, ex-captain and intercollegiate champion, and Eric T. Sollee '52, another ex-captain, will tangle with this year's lineup of captain Rick Kolombatovich, Tom Musliner, and Dan Isaacson. Stephen P. Chalmers '63 will be third foil for the alumni.

Webster F. Williams Jr. '35 ex-captain and intercollegiate champion will head an epee squad which includes Giles Constable '50, associate professor of History, and James M. Roberts '60. Sophomores Harry Jergesen and Steve Shea and junior Brian Keidan will fence for the varsity.

Young Sabre-men

The sabre team with former captains James R. Pusey '62 and Jonathan E. Kolb '65, an all-American last year will be the youngest alumni contingent. Lajos S. Heder '61 and Lawrence M. Butler '64 will also fence two bouts for the alumni. Varsity sabre men will be al Makaitis, Bob Damus, and Dave Redmond.
