
Dean Ford Picks Street, Doermann As Assiistants to Administrative Staff

J. C. Street, professor of physics, and Humphrey Doermann '52 director of admissions, have been named assistants to the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, effective July 1, Dean Ford announced yesterday.

Street, a member of the faculty since 1932, will become assistant to the Dean for the science area, succeeding Roger W. Hickman, lecturer in Physics.

Doermann will work with Gordon P. Gillis, the Dean's financial assistant, as his prospective successor. In the new position, Doermann will study the University's financial affairs and project medium-range expenditures for the College. He will also begin a study of admissions at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, investigating the colleges and backgrounds of recent years. He will be succeeded by David K. Smith '52 assistant director of admissions and freshmen scholarship candidates

Before he became admission's director in 1961. Doermann was first a reporter than an administrative assistant on the Minneapolis Star and Tribune. Following his newspaper experience, he returned to Boston and received his M.R. from the Harvard Business School in 1968.

Street has done important research on cosmic rays, on devices for detecting atomic particles, and on radar circuits. During World War II, he helped develop radio navigation and ground and ship radar in M.I.T.'s Radiation Laboratory
