
Von Stade Will Recommend Extension Of Saturday Freshman Parietals to 12

F. Skiddy Von Stade Jr. '38, dean of freshmen, will recommend to the Administrative Board next week that freshman parietals be extended until midnight every Saturday.

Dean Monro, who will preside at the Tuesday meeting of the Board said last night that he approved of the extension. But he said he had "no idea" whether the Board would.

Alan Austin '70, president of the Freshman Council, said he considers Von Stade's approval the key to having the longer hours accepted by the College. He expects the Administrative Board to accept Von Stade's recommendation.

The Freshman Council proposed the extension to Dean Von Stade a week ago along with four other parietal recommendations, all of which Von Stade said he would ask the Administrative Board to approve also. The other recommendations are:

* that parietals begin at 11 a.m. on Saturdays of home varsity football games.


* that parietals be supervised by a system of "floating proctors."

* that infractions of parietals be punished by a suspension of parietals in the offending room, entry, or dorm, as the case may be.

* that these proposals be put into effect at the beginning of the Spring term.

John McLoughlin '70, chairman of the Council's Freshman Relations Committee which drafted the proposals, said last night that Dean Von Stade would work out the details of the system of floating proctors. About 20 proctors would probably be "on duty" each Saturday, McLoughlin said.

The names of "on duty" proctors would be posted in the dorms so that freshmen could call them if there was trouble, he said. The proctors would stay in their rooms except for one circuit of their assigned unit of the Yard.

The parietal extension would necessitate some system of floating proctors, McLoughlin said, because "you can't expect any proctor to stay in his room to supervise every Saturday night."

If the administrative board approves the recommended changes, they go to Dean Ford and the Faculty for routine approval.

Dean Von Stade said yesterday that he will implement the measures at the beginning of the Spring term in February, if they are approved by the Administrative Board.

At present each Freshman entry has parietals until midnight on only three Saturdays per term. Girls have to get out by 8 p.m. on all other Saturdays.

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