
'Cliffe Offered Tour Of Hilles Exhibition

Radcliffe undergraduates and graduates will be offered a private showing of the art collection of Susan Morse Hilles this Sunday at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. The exhibition is entitled "Sculpture and Painting Today."

Mrs. Hilles, the principal donator for Radcliffe's new library, began her collection in 1954. It includes works by contemporary artists and sculptors, such as Reg Bitler and Kenneth Armitage.

Sign-up sheets for Sunday's showing will be available until Wednesday evening in dorm dining halls. On Sunday Radcliffe alumnae will provide transportation to the museum. The cars will be leaving at 11:15 a.m. from in front of Barnard and Briggs Halls.

A film entitled "Five British Sculptors Work and Talk." which includes two of the sculptors featured in the Hilles collection, is being shown as a supplement to the exhibition.
