
RGA to Delay On Hilles Library Crowding Issue

The Radcliffe Government Association voted yesterday to hold off debate for at least a month and a half on complaints about Hilles Library listed in a petition posted in the Radcliffe dormitories Wednesday.

The RGA wants to give the administration time to work out problems which have developed since the library opened, such as overcrowding and difficulty in getting reserve books.

The petition, drawn up by a group of girls in Barnard Hall who have refused to identify themselves, proposed a restriction of men to the first and fourth floors of Hilles after 6 p.m. and a return to the closed reserve book system.

There are so many men in the library that it is "very difficult for girls to find working space," says the petition.

The present open reserve system, which allows reserve books to be used for an unlimited period of time any-where within the library, has made it impossible to obtain reserve books, the girls maintain.


Essentially Meaningless

They now feel, however, that they made a mistake in including both issues on one petition. This makes "the number who have signed essentially meaningless," one of them said.

The rules of the library are highly experimental, the RGA felt, and will take a while to work themselves into an equilibrium.

Miss Ruth K. Porritt, head librarian, said that if the present rules continue to be unsatisfactory, they will be changed, but "I want to be sure they don't work first, and the two week trial period the system has had isn't enough."
