
Sign-Up Sheets For McNamara Discussion In Houses, At 'Cliffe

Harvard and Radcliffe undergraduates can sign up for a discussion group conducted by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara at House dining halls and Radcliffe bell desks today and tomorrow. Forms will be available in the dining halls from dinner tonight through lunch on Thursday.

Students can also go to the Kennedy Institute offices at 1737 Cambridge St., Room 610, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

First in Discussion Series

The discussion, which will lead off a series of similar talks with prominent politicians designed by the Kennedy Institute to further closer contact between the academic and political worlds, will have its first session in Eliot House on Sunday, November 6. The meeting will start in the House Common Room in the afternoon and will continue over dinner.

On the following Monday, McNamara will conduct a second session in the Quincy House Common Room after lunch.


Barney Frank '62, Special Assistant for Undergraduate Affairs at the Kennedy Institute said that anybody at the college could benefit from these sessions. On Friday he will select at random some 60 members for each meeting.

Failure to attend after selection could result in exclusion from future programs.
