
HUC Will Ask Faculty For Parietal Extension


A series of proposals to liberalize parietal regulations in the Houses will be submitted early this week by the Harvard Undergraduate Council to the Administration and the Masters.

If adopted by the required Faculty vote, the HUC's plans would:

* extend parietal hours on Friday night from 8 p.m. to midnight

* abolish sign-out books

* move the beginning of parietal hours on Saturdays and Sundays of home football weekends back from noon to 11 a.m.


* open up the Junior Common rooms in the Houses at the Masters' discretion to females on weekdays and weekends.

The present effort by the HUC represents the first student initiative to change parietal rules since 1963 when the now defunct Harvard Council for Undergraduate Affairs asked for an extension of hours and the ensuing discussion on "sex scandal."

But last fall the Masters voted on their own to permit students to have dates in their rooms on all Saturday nights until midnight. Previously, Saturday parietals ended at 8 p.m. when a House was holding a dance during a home football weekend.

Gregory B. Craig '67, president of the HUC, and Dean Monro, the chairman of the Administrative Board which will discuss the proposed changes, emphasized yesterday their hope for a low-keyed rational discussion by students, House staffs, and Faculty.

Action In December

Craig said that he thought it unlikely that the Faculty would make any changes before December. He added that all those he had spoken to hoped discussion would start earlier.

Dean Monro said last night that he expects the Administrative Board, composed of the nine Allston Burr Senior Tutors and the Deans, to discuss the proposals. The final recommendation to the Faculty, however, will be made by the Committee on the Houses, comprised of the Deans and Masters.

In Monro's view, "the critical decision here lies with the Masters." "The history of the past 15 years with regard to these matters shows that the Masters exerted critical weight," he explained. Precedent has shown, he commented, that the Faculty usually votes changes which the Masters want.

All the Deans and Masters available for comment last night refused to take any stand

The HUC proposals will be accompanied by a list of reasons for each rule change. With regard to Friday night, the Council asserted that the present system "makes Friday dating very expensive," since undergraduates are barred from entertaining in their rooms.
