
Leverett, Adams, Quincy Triumph; Winthrop Wins

Leverett, Adams, Winthrop and Dunster all collected victories yesterday and Monday, as the House football season started its second week.

Leverett blanked Lowell yesterday, 24-0, to remain unscored upon. The Bunny defense again proved the difference, as it got the ball three times within the Lowell 15-yard line--twice on fumbles, once on an interception.

Jim Thompson scored twice for Leverett, on runs of six and 10 yards, Quarterback Steve Ekdahl added another touchdown on a four-yard run. Leverett's fourth score came on a blundered Lowell punt which was picked up near the goal line and carried over by a Leverett lineman.

Adams, 6-2

Adams House remained undefeated by edging Dudley, 6-2, on Monday. Gary Mottola, the sophomore who accounted for Adams' scoring against Lowell last week, tallied again against Dudley.


Winthrop, bouncing back after its opening loss to Eliot, defeated Kirkland yesterday, 8-0. A high pass from center and a fumble by the Kirkland punter on his own 15-yard line set up the Winthrop touchdown.

Dunster spoiled Quincy's opening game Monday, 8-6. Dunster scored in the second quarter on a 63-yard drive,
