
Rate Your Rock 'n' Roll Smarts

The last days of reading period are lays of quiet desperation, during which we occupy ourselves with an increased number of trivial activities. To accommodate anyone who wants to think about something other than Akkadian 132hf, we present the following rock and roll quiz. The first person to bring all the answers to the CRIMSON before Friday with a warped copy of the answer to question number 24.

Name the songs from which these lines come:

1. "I'll never kiss your lips again, they buried you today."

2. "Slander my name all over the place."

3. "Zip my pants up."


4. "Her tears were shed in vain and her every word was lost, in the rumble of his engine and the smoke from his exhaust."

5. "When I was a little boy, 'bout the age of five, I felt somethin' in my pocket that keep a lot of folks alive."

6. "I'd like to help you, son, but you're too young to vote."

Who made the original rock and roll recordings of the following songs?

7. Tragedy

8. Little Bitty Pretty One

9. Over and Over (the recent Dave Clark Five hit)

10. Mountain of Love

11. High School U.S.A.

12. High-Heel Sneakers
