
The Harvard 'Advocate'

From the Shelf

Despite a shortage of fiction and a surplus of silly gimmicks, the April Advocate is one of the most substantial issues in recent years.

In trying to puff a little breadth into its pages, the Advocate has gone heavily into orbit. It owes almost all of its prose to Mao Tse-tung, the adolescent Henry Miller, and the Phyllis Anderson Award drama competition. Much of its poetry comes from people outside the College. This wholesale borrowing gives the magazine a good variety of pieces, but some of it seems frivolous, and the table of contents still shows several discouraging vacuums. There is only one short story, one review, and nary a satire or a critical essay.

The best selections in the Advocate are written by its most common class of contributors--students. While the novelties turn out mediocre, pieces by Robert Grenier, Mary Ann Radner and George Teter carry the magazine. Perennially cursed by its inability to ferret out competent student writers, the Advocate has found several of them for the April issue. And to bust the in-group myth, only three are members of the staff.

The Advocate is long on poets, and the best of them is Robert Grenier. In "The Minnesota Soldiers Home in August" and in translations of three poems by the German writer George Trakl, Grenier coaxes beautiful phonetic effects out of his descriptive language. Rhythmic vowel sounds and alliteration echo through his lines; Consonants roll melodically within his words:

Golden, the fire flares up


about the nation

Over blackish cliffs, dead-

drunk, crashes

the luminous tornado

the blue comber of

the glacier. . . .

Grenier's linguistic skill runs deeper than assembling musical combinations of tones and letters. He uses the combinations to construct vivid visual and emotional scenes. "Grodek" pictures a battlefield strewn with casualties, among which a nurse walks "to greet the ghosts of heroes, bleeding heads."

Seven poems by Mary Ann Radner form a spectrum that stretches from "Resurrections" and "Primavera" down to "The Bear" a pointless apostrophe to the spirit of a hunting trophy. Although Miss Radner does not have Grenier's ornate gift for charming physical images out of language, she has a fine descriptive touch and makes complex, moving verse out a simple words. With strong, majestic lines Jon as and Lazarus tell the stories of their reawakenings in "Resurrections." In "Primavera" Miss Radner uses an unusual pattern of repeated words to achieve a methodical, stately rhythm.

If the Advocate has a short story in must be "Intimacy" by George Teter, but the designation is debatable. The action takes places in the memory and fancy of a drowsy, musing passenger on a ramshackle Greyhound crossing the Rockies. A girl lies "well-wedged" against him in the sweaty bus, and as they travel toward California he slowly loses her, in muddled, morbid imaginings, to "a hardfaced fellow with protuberant eyes" sitting across the aisle. Metaphors incubate by the dozen in Teter's fecund prose, sometimes overgrowing it altogether. But Teter's style is more inventive and exuberant than turgid. For instance: "If the bus weren't mounting she'd drop on the floor, restribute burst like a sack of seeds, sprout into wakefulness..."

Most of the selections by poets Richard Eberhart and Stephen Sandy are disappointingly shallow and listless, with the exception of Sandy's comic verses entitled "The Sultan Wears a Crimson Turban." John Allman's poem, full of mellow nostalgia for "childhood and the family," get ponderously explicit in spots:

Three leaves, on a twig from a branch
