
North Wins Radcliffe Swim Contest; East's Jane Mansfield Scores Most

North House came from behind yesterday to take the honors in the Radcliffe College Championship Swimming Meet and even up the score for inter-House swimming contests this year.

Four first place wins, three seconds, and one last place gave North House 47 points for the meet. East House came in second with 42 points, and South finished last with 36 points.

Both East and North House members were eyeing the championship title before the final event, the freestyle relay. But Peggy Kemeny, Ruth Maidman, Lee Eyler, and Jackie Lang churned through the 160 yds. in 1:44.7, topping East House's last year's record of 1:48.1 and shutting East out of first place in the meet.

Jane Mansfield of East House was the highest individual scorer with two first place wins and a relay contribution, which earned her 14 1/2 points. Susie Burchell of South House was second with points.

For diversion between regular events, members of the Harvard Swimming Team, who served as timers for the meet, joined the House teams for two unscored "fun relays." In the first relay the leadoff man was asked to swim two lengths of back stroke, and the anchorman two lengths of breast. Four girls from each House swam a lap each of freestyle in between. For the second relay the Harvard participants were asked to carry balloons while they swam.

During the awards ceremony after the meet each first place winner received a medal-key chain; a travelling silver bowl was presented to North House.
