
52 Cliffies Will Reside In 2 Off-Campus Houses

Radcliffe will establish two new off-campus houses next year. Thirty-eight through 44 Shepard Street and 15 Avon Street will accommodate girls displaced Gilman and Putnam Houses, and upperclassmen may draw for the remaining places.

Gilman House will be torn down to make way for the first unit of the Fourth House, and Putnam House will again be used for administrative and tutorial offices.

These two additions will bring the total number of off-campus houses to and the number of Cliffies living off campus to about 420.

Mary H. Winslow, dean of Residence, the increase in off-campus to "transitional" housing shortages bring construction of the Fourth House and the Library-Study Center.

The two new buildings, which will house 52 upperclassmen, "will hopefully have enough space in the brick dorms accommodate all next year's," freshmen according to Miss Winslow. This a few freshmen are housed in a arrangement in Putnam House several more have had to live at .

Miss Winslow described 38-44 St., to be affiliated with South House. "a series of small, flexible units," with kitchen for every four to seven girls. There will be four singles and sixteen doubles and girls may apply alone or groups of two, four, or seven. Five singles four doubles, and one triple will available in 15 Avon St., to be affiliated East House.

The houses will probably be used for undergraduates only until September, when the first unit of the Fourth house is scheduled for completion. "But expect some off-campus housing will be main, even after the Fourth House built," Miss Winslow said.

Drawings for off-campus houses will place on April 20 and 21. The new may not be visited, but floor plans available at the Residence Office or senior residents in the brick dorms.
