
Protests Continue in Alabama, D.C., Boston; Selma and Montgomery Marches Permitted


Two hundred students from the Greater Boston area are continuing a 48 hour vigil begun Tuesday night outside Boston's Federal Building. The group, divided into four shifts, has been organized by SNCC and includes students from Harvard, Tufts, B.U., and Brandeis.

According to Dorothy B. Datz 2L, spokesman for the group, the vigil is intended to coincide with the SNCC protest march taking place in Washington. "Johnson is the only one who can help right now," she said, "All he has to do is snap his fingers."

The demonstrators have maintained a continual picket line, pausing only briefly to rest and warm themselves in a parked car. None have attempted to enter the building, as they did during the sit-in there last weekend. At night, a cafeteria owned by Boston Celtics star, Bill Russell, has provided free coffee.
