
Stickmen Sputter at Colby, 4-4, Post 7-3 Loss to Eastern Olympic

Colby's netkeeper put a hex on Cooney Weiland's youthful icemen Saturday night, and hold Harvard to a 4-4 stole-mate up in Waterville, Maine. Harvard pounded the stolid Maine goalie with 43 goalward slaps, jobs, and fakeroos in a scrambling contest. His damnable mitt kept appearing where most goalies are left vainly pawing with their sticks.

The Cantab defense hold Colby to 23 shots, 10 of them in the scoreless first period, but the Snowmen struck home enough times to rob Harvard of the victory.

Last Wednesday Harvard faced the Eastern Olympic Hockey Club, the toughest defensive team on its schedule, and managed to outshoot the oldtimers while losing the game, 7-3. Sophomore center Kent Parrot looked good in both games, drawing blood once on Wednesday and again on Saturday.

Parrot was paired with senior left wing Jorgo Gonzales and junior Pete Waldinger in both games.

Welland opened Saturday with an experimental trio, pinning defensive wing Bobby Clark to center Ben Smith, with junior Chip Scammon on the other side. When they failed to produce, Weiland went to the cradle, pairing sophomore Bob Fredo and junior Dennis McCullough with sophomore Jack Garrity at center.


At Waterville, Colby unsheathed its stinger during the second period, in an exchange which started 0-0 and ended up 4-3. Colby struck back in the third period, getting past stalwart Bill Fitzsimmons twice in nine essays. Harvard bombarded its foe with 17 futile shots. The ten-minute overtime locked up the deadlock, although Harvard again got off more goalward pucks, five shots to the Snowmen's three.

Eastern Olympic had its field day in the second period, slipping in five of its seven goals in that fateful 20 minutes. Harvardman Gene Kinaswich '64, at his familiar spot, contributed one score for the Olympians and alum John Daly provided defensive muscle.

Cooney Weiland went strongly to the youngsters, with only three seniors suiting up among his 19-man traveling contingent: Gonzales, Clark, and substitute goalie Dexter Newton, who saw no action. This week sees action at Watson Rink, with Bowdoin Wednesday night, and St. Nick's on Saturday.
