
Student Is Punished For LSD Disturbance

The Administrative Board has disciplined, but not suspended, a Harvard undergraduate who created a public disturbance last month as a result of severe LSD-induced hallucinations.

After an overdose of LSD so serious that it reportedly could have been fatal, the student became psychotic and had to be treated at the Massachusetts Mental Health Center in Boston. He was released to Harvard authorities within a short time and recovered promptly.

The incident took place following a party in Kirkland House where LSD was used. When the affected student began to lose control of himself, the others present were afraid to take him to the University Health Services, because they apparently feared disciplinary action.

Finally Subdued

Instead they moved the party to an apartment on Western Ave. There his condition became worse, and he attracted considerable attention from neighbors. He was finally subdued with the aid of several people and taken to the University Health Services in a strait jacket. But Stillman Infirmary was unable to accept him as a patient in his condition and rushed him to the Boston facility.


The student, who had never taken LSD before and has an otherwise clear record at Harvard, was given a serious warning by the Administrative Board about the indiscriminate use of drugs, along with his punishment.

University Helpful

Last week he expressed satisfaction with the University's handling of his problem. Harvard paid for his treatment at the Mental Health Center and offered complete medical assistance. He has refused further comment on his case.

While they have resisted spelling out precise penalties for drug offenses, members of the Board have shown increasing concern over student involvement in this area. The Administration has made it clear that it takes a dim view of non-clinical experimentation with all forms of drugs and will severely discipline offenders.

The University has said repeatedly that it must abide by Federal and state laws regarding drugs classified as narcotics, along with other categories of dangerous drugs. Last spring the Board suspended a freshman caught giving and selling marijuana to his friends.
