
Pusey, Ministers Look at Church In Urban World

President Pusey will head a newly formed committee of Episcopal theologians and laymen which will make a two-year study of the role that theological education should play in modern society.

The announcement came at a news conference held at the Episcopal Church Center in New York City late last night. President Pusey traveled to New York late yesterday afternoon to join the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, the Rt. Rev. John E. Hines, and other Episcopal dignitaries for the announcement.

Not Adjusted to Modern World

Pusey said most church practices originated in "pre-industrial and pre-urban times and haven't adjusted to the modern world."

The committee's study, prompted by "immense pressures" put on the church by "the world in revolution," will be presented at the church's general convention in 1967.


The study is being sponsored by the Episcopal Church Foundation, an organization located in New York which raises funds for projects such as this study.

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