
Faye Pins Hopes On Write-In Votes

Male undergraduates will vote for senior class marshals today in the most controversial marshals election in decades.

Miss Faye Levine, the first female undergraduate to run for Harvard marshal, appealed for write-in support last night after the Harvard Council for Undergraduate Affairs rejected a last-minute request to list her name on the ballot.

Seniors will select eight finalists today and in a second election Wednesday elect their four marshals.

Because of her sex, Miss Levine, who is 21 today, cannot vote in the election. The remained optimistic last night, however. "Bobby Kennedy couldn't vote in this election, and he won," she said.

It appeared last night that the HOUA would not total the number of votes received by Miss Levine. William P. Saum '65, who will supervise the election tabulations, said "I don't think they'll [Miss Levine's votes] be counted."


Representatives of the press will be barred from the tabulations and the individual totals will not be released. H. Reed Ellis, chairman of the HCUA, said last night. "This information has never been released before and it won't be this time either," he declared.

Support at Radcliffe for Miss Levine's candidacy has reportedly mushroomed into a movement for coeducational commencement. Advocates of this line said that the merger of the Harvard and Radcliffe yearbooks into one publication this year substantiates their claim that the two schools have become inseparable and should be recognized as such.

The noted poetess Felicia Lamport composed the following song to the melody of Havardiana:

"Oh Harvard's traditions tell us

That we must be het'rogene,

Be courageous, men, be zealous,

Cast your vote for Faye Levine.

The press and the TV newsmen

Have been quick to quote Levine,

If you choose her you can't lose, men,

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