
PBH Seeking Money From Poverty Fund

Phillips Brooks House Association will include a request for $20,000 in Anti-Poverty funds in Cambridge's application to the Office of Economic Opportunity, Edward S. LaMonte '65 announced this week.

The money is projected to finance the expansion of four present projects, including settlement house work, special instruction to seventh and eighth graders, remedial reading instruction, and support of a recreation-education center.

The changes will consist mainly of hiring more professionals, such as clinical psychologists and social workers, to serve in advisory capacities. More advisors will permit additional students to participate in PBH activities.

"We are applying under Title II of the Anti-Poverty Act--Community Action Programs--which offers aid to those who 'better the conditions under which people learn.... [and] live,'" LaMonte said.

Decision Last Week


PBH decided to ask for aid through Cambridge after receipt of a letter from Dudley Morris of the Office of Economic Opportunity last week. Morris suggested that requests for funds be included in the applications of the communities in which the money will be used.

Morris classified two other PBH projects, the prisons tutoring and American Indian projects, as demonstrations--programs which the government is trying to spread by example. He enclosed application forms for the prisons demonstration.

"The American Indian project would be a demonstration that could be more profitably carried on by a college with closer connections with Indian reservations," Morris wrote.

LaMonte said, however, that the Indian committee would probably apply for aid again next year. "We have closer contacts with Indians than many schools in the West," he pointed out.
