
Love's Labours?

The Summer School Players open their fourth season tonight at 8 p.m. at the Loeb Drama Center with a performance of Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost, directed by George Hamlin, assistant director of the Loeb.

The play is one of three by Shakespeare being presented at the Loeb this summer in celebration of the Quadricentennial of the playwright's birth.

The current production will run through July 11, The Winter's Tale July 15 through August 1, and Richard II August 5 through 22. All three will be produced by Daniel Seltzer, acting director of the Loeb.

Love's Labour's Lost, one of Shakespeare's early comedies, concerns the attempt of the King of Navarre and three companions to submit themselves to three years of study fasting and contemplation. With the arrival of the Princess of France and her three ladies-in-waiting, however, the whole program collapses, and thereby hangs the tale.

The King is played by David Ritten-house '64, and his companions by John Ross, Harry Smith '65 and Richard Monette. Barbara Jean Friend plays the Princess, Rosalind John, Laura Esterman '66, and Mcdelon Hambro her ladies-in-waiting
