
Peabody Will Proclaim 'JFK Library Week'

Governor Endicott Peabody '42 will sign a proclamation today in the State House declaring next week "John F. Kennedy Memorial Library Week." The action is designed to add impetus to the Library Fund Drive, which has collected almost $6 million of its $10 million goal.

After two days of the six-day drive at Harvard, $3500 of the $10,000 goal has been received from students. Door-to-door solicitations in the College will continue through today and will be conducted at Radcliffe until the drive ends Saturday.

Sales of stock given the Library Fund have also helped boost the total. Stock in Bell and Howell, Admiral Corporation, and Franklin National Bank of New York brought in over $60,000, and 97 shares of IBM are expected to not another $50,000.
