
All Freshman, JV, Varsity Squads Win

Harvards athletic teams turned in 16 victories last weekend and didn't lose once in varsity, J.V., or Freshman competition.

Six of the wins were turned in by crews; the varsity, J.V. and freshman heavyweight boats swept the Adams Cup races while the three lightwight crews swept Princeton and Yale in the Goldthwaite Cup.

Other scores: Baseball Harvard 4  Cornell 2 Harvard 10  Penn 3 Harvard J.V. 8  Burdett 4 Harvard Fr. 9  Holy Cross Fr. 4 Track Harvard 103  Yale 46 Harvard Fr. 120  Yale Fr. 29 Tennis Harvard 6  Navy 3 Harvard Fr. 7 1/2  Choate 1 1/2 Lacrosse Harvard 12  Dartmouth 6 Harvard Fr. 9  Dartmouth Fr. 1
