
Thugs Beat Three Students, Steal $5

Seven teenagers attacked two undergraduates and robbed a Business School student late Tuesday night on the footbridge over Storrow Drive. None of the victims was seriously injured. The incident was the latest in a growing number of muggings is the area of Weeks Bridge.

At 11:45 p.m. one of the assailants accouted V. Alexander Mead Jr, '65 and Richard T. Marin '65 and asked them for a match, six others than appeared and joined the first in attacking the students. Mead and Maria managed to escape just as Richard A. Corbett a second-year student in the Business School, approached the scene.

The seven turned on Corbel, a former boxer beat him to the ground, and demanded money. He threw them the total contents of his wallet (five dollars) and fled.

Mead and Martin called the University police at midnight; an officer arrived at 12:10. Since the area between Memorial Drive and Sorrow Drive is under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan District Commission, the Harvard officer notified the MDC. As MDC policeman come to the seems at 1 a.m. He arrests were made.

Stops Taken


The MDC reported yesterday that steps were being taken to apprehend the assailants. Robert Tonis, chief of University Police, said yesterday that the weeks Bridge area was a trouble spot and that his bureau was "very worked up" over recent incidents there. He cited the case of a Lowell House senior who was rebbed and beaten Feb. 9.

Poor lighting is the footbridge area is the principal cause of the disturbances according to Tonis. He asked the MDC to install more spotlights. Meting the "close cooperation" between his bureau and the MDC, Tonis said he expects prompt action.

Dean Monre yesterday expressed his concern over the situation and said he thought additional patrolling was a "good idea." As MDC spokesman said that the policing of the Weeks Bridge area is usually increased in the spring. An extra motorcycle policeman will start patrolling within a week, he added.


Chief Tonis denied that "townies" bear systematic III will towards Harvard students, but many undergraduates disagreed. Out of fear, one car-owner explained, he runs over the bridge whenever he creases it. Another refuses to go near it, using Lars Anderson Bridge to get from Leverett House to his car in the Business School let.
