
Claude Weaver May Talk Here

Claude Weaver '65, a Negro civil rights worker who has been jailed twice in Mississippi recently, will probably speak at a student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee rally here Tuesday evening. The rally is part of a week-long campaign to raise money for SNCC's national organization.

Weaver may arrive in time to appear at a SNCC meeting Sunday at which Allard K. Lowenstein, professor of Social Science at North Carolina State, will recruit workers for SNCC's summer program of "freedom schools" and voter registration in Mississippi.

SNCC's financial resources are "just about at rock bottom," according to one worker in the organization's Atlanta headquarters. The Atlanta staff will take a cut in salary next week; some members may not get paid at all.

SNCC members will sell lapel buttons, books of freedom songs, and records by the "Freedom Singers" is Harvard and Radcliffe dining rooms all next week as part of the fund raising effort.

The Brattle Theatre will give all proceeds from a showing of the polish him "Jonn of the Angels" on Thursday night.
