
HCUA Committee Might Take 'Cliffies

The executive committee of the Harvard Council for Undergraduate Affairs will recommend addition of Radcliffe undergraduates to at least one HCUA committee. The newly elected Council will consider the proposal at its first meeting of the semester Monday night.

If approved, the change would mark the first time in the stormy history of Harvard student government that 'Cliffies were allowed to participate.

H. Reed Ellis '65, chairman of the HCUA, said last night that "the action in no way takes away from the fact that the HCUA is an autonomous organization, responsible to Harvard alone."

The executive committee plans to recomend the appointment of Malcolm R. Pfunder '65 as chairman of the Committee on Educational Policy and Gail McGreevey '65 as vice-chairman.

"Simply Realistic"


Noting that the executive committee recommendation involved the Council's Committee on Educational Policy, Ellis said, "It is simply realistic to recognize that Radcliffe and Harvard attend the same classes."

Until now, all the members of an HCUA committee had to be on the Council except when specific exception were made. This year, however, Ellis plans to have both members and non-members on the Council's five standing committees. As a result, 'Cliffies have become eligible to serve on the committee. Ellis pointed out that membership on a committee, therefore, implied nothing about criteria for council embership.

Since Radcliffe opinion will be represented on the HCUA committee, the Radcliffe Government Association will not set up an educational policy committee. Ellis said, however, that any report of the Council committee would be sent to RGA for comment and criticism.

Pfunder indicated last night that other vice-chairmen would be appointed since he hoped to have one for each of the general areas the committee investigates. He said the "joint venture [between Harvard and Radcliffe] is particularly important since Radcliffe has the same stake in educational policy that Harvard does."

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