
Engineering Laboratory Dedicated

The new $2.4 million Engineering Sciences Laboratory was officially dedicated yesterday at a short indoor ceremony.

President Pusey said the structure "handsomely met a need of long standing." Brief adresses were given by Dean Ford, Harvey Brooks, Dean of the Division of Engineering and Applied Physics, and Courtland S. Gross '27, Chairman of the Overseers Visiting Committee on Engineering and Applied Physics.

Located at 40 Oxford St., beyond the Peabody Museum, the Laboratory is a center for research on combustion and the behavior of gases at high temperatures. It also houses research on the physics of the oceans and the problems of water supply systems.

The four-story building, constructed with white pre-cast concrete, was designed by the internationally-known architect Minoru Yamasaki of Detroit. The building features a high degree of flexibility to make possible a large variety of elaborate experiments. The walls and ceilings are lined with "channels" of space, approximately two feet by three feet, through which piping of all sorts can be easily run.
