
Winter Olympics

It is heartening to note that Harvard and the Metropolitan District Commission have joined forces to honor the appointment of Stan Musial as the President's Physical Fitness Adviser by providing flabby undergraduates with a painless way to exercise. In a secret agreement, signed no doubt in the new tennis courts, Harvard and the MDC agreed to retain the path to the Business School parking lot as a mecca of winter sports.

By leaving the steps on Weeks Bridge unshoveled, the parties to the agreement believe that Harvard students can be given a chance to practice the slalom on the banks of the Charles. The footbridge over Soldiers Field Road is being fitted as an ice-skating rink, and the sidewalks near Kresge are being left covered with snow so that students can limber up by dodging cars in the street. The pile of snow blocking the gate to the parking lot will be left for people to use as a ski jump. Such cooperation between the University and state authorities is indeed a good omen. Perhaps the sycamores along Memorial Drive can be used for logrolling practice in the Charles after they are cut down next year.
