
Berkeley Faculty Bails Out Students

Faculty members of the University of California at Berkeley raised more than $80,000 yesterday to bail out all 761 students who were arrested Thursday after a massive sit-in demonstration paralyzed the campus.

Meanwhile scores of pickets urged students to boycott classes yesterday. Many departments canceled classes altogether, and attendance at classes which were held was reported as sparse.

The demonstrations stem from a dispute which has been raging all semester over political activity on the campus. An organization called the Free Speech Movement has been protesting a ruling by the administration that political groups not solicit funds or membership on campus.

About 100 students gathered in the rain yesterday on the grass west of Memorial Hall to hold a silent vigil in support of the Berkeley students. More than half of them were from Brandeis.

[The students stood in a V formation at one corner of the triangle for 45 minutes holding a sign saying "We support Berkeley Free Speech." The vigil broke up at 4:45 p.m. When the Brandeis bus driver said he wanted to leave "before it starts to sleet."]


At California many students crossed picket lines and moved through the main gate to classes yesterday. The demonstra- tors taunted them but made no effort to stop them.

The mass arrests Thursday came after 1000 demonstrators took over Sproul Hall, the main administrative building on the campus, and figuratively established the "Free University of California."

The students held classes in the building, and effectively prevented Berkeley from functioning as a University, until Gov. Edmund G. Brown ordered police to arrest the students.

"We're not going to have anarchy in the State of California while I'm governor," Brown declared at a press conference, "and these demonstrations are anarchy."

State and County police converged on Sproul Hall and bodily dragged the demonstrators to booking stations on the campus. From there they were taken to jails. Numerous complaints of police brutality circulated on the campus
