
Rusk Pushes European MLF Plan, Asks Allies to Give Aid in Vietnam


PARIS, France, Dec. 15--Despite strong French opposition, Secretary of State Dean Rusk went ahead today with plans for an Allied nuclear command composed of members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

He also called on the Allies for concrete help in South Vietnam.

Rusk faced another meeting with President Charles de Gaulle Wednesday in a sharpening diplomatic tussle with France on nuclear policy. De Gaulle has insisted on building his own purely French atomic arsenal in contrast to U.S. hopes for greater integration of the Western defense shield.

Addressing the winter meeting of NATO, Rusk said the United States hopes its Allies will give tangible help to the hard-pressed South Vietnamese government. Conference sources quoted Rusk as emphasizing that the free world has an important stake in developments in Southeast Asia.

There was no immediate response to the plea.
