
Cabot Rudely Aroused By Fire Drill at Dawn

The early morning quiet of Cabot Hall was shattered as Buildings and Grounds held its annual "Surprise Fire Drill" at 7 a.m. yesterday.

Throwing on coats and shoes and clutching towels, 102 Cliffies dazedly made their way downstairs.

Ralph B. Gates, director of Buildings and Grounds and Miss Mary Winslow, director of Residence, conduct such a drill every year, each time in a different dormitory. A member of the Cambridge Fire Department is invited to observe.

"We just want to make sure that none of you will ever be caught in a real fire," Gates smilingly explained to a blearyeyed audience in the Cabot living room.

"No one checked on the senior residents," Gates observed. He also mentioned that, since this drill is supposed to simulate the conditions of a real fire, someone should have told the fireman about a girl upstairs with a broken leg who is excused from "ordinary" drills.


"Other than that," Gates said, "the drill was quite successful. You pass." The Cabot girls were overjoyed at the news.
