
Fewer Volunteer As NSM Tutors

Many fewer Harvard and Radcliffe students are tutoring Negro children for the Northern Student Movement this year than last, according to Harry M. Sondheimer '66, head of the Harvard-Radcliffe Chapter.

Only 35 students have volunteered for the program so for this year, while 105 participated in 1962-64.

Sondheimer expressed considerable disappointment over the drop this year, although he predicted that more students would join the program now that the election is over. He doubted that enough students would volunteer, however, to approach last year's total.

Sondheimer could offer no explanation for the drop in interest. "There just seems to be a growing apathy toward this kind of civil rights work in the college," he said.

A spokesman for Boston NSM said yesterday that lack of interest in the project is not evident in the rest of the city. This year, she reported, more tutors and tutees have signed up for the program than in any of the other three years NSM has conducted its tutorial program in Boston.
