
Runners Win Greater Boston Crown; Hewlett Whips Dunsky by 200 Yards

Walt Hewlett and Harvard walloped Dave Dunsky and Northeastern yesterday, capturing the individual and team titles in the greater Boston cross-country championships in Franklin Park.

The score was Harvard 29 and Northeastern 38, with Boston College, M.I.T., and Tufts finishing far behind the leaders in that order.

Hewlett finished ahead of his Huskie rival; B.C.'s-Bill Norris was third and the Crimson's Dave Allen and Bill Crain finished fourth and fifth.

From the very beginning, Harvard had a cluster of runners at the front of the pack, leaving little doubt about the team outcome.

The drama of the race was at the very head of that pack, where Hewlett and Dunsky, both undefeated in competition this year, battled head and head for two miles of the 4.2-mile race.


The clocking for those two miles was a blistering 9:28, and the effects of that merciless pace began to show on Dunsky as the duo reached the half-way mark.

Hewlett started to pull away on an up-hill climb, and an exhausted Dunsky looked over his shoulder at the rest of the field--his own admission that the race for first place was over.

Hewlett stretched his lead to 200 yards during the last two miles and crossed the finish line in the semi-worn-out condition to which he has become accustomed.

B.C.'s Norris passed Allen and Crain in the last quarter-mile to gain an easy third place, and the Crimson pair crossed the line only a stride apart.

The fourth and fifth Crimson scorers were Roger Smith (9th), who led the field for the first half-mile, and Jon Chaffee (10th). Jim Smith and Roy Cobb finished 13th and 14th for Harvard.

In yesterday's freshman preliminary to the varsity meet, the Crimson yearlings demolished all opposition. Led by Bob Stempson's first-place finish. Yardling runners took first, third, fourth, fifth, and eighth places for a team total of 21. Northeastern was next with 44, and Tufts third with 79.
