
Tutor Shortage Forces History 98 Into Groups

Concentrator Total Goes Up 50 to 722

The History Department has replaced individual junior tutorial with group tutorial, Elliott Perkins '23, head tutor of the Department, said yesterday.

The decision to change the structure of junior tutorial was made last Spring when the Department found itself swamped with concentrators. There now are 50 more undergraduates in History than there were last year, bringing the total to 722.

Until this year all juniors with a grade of C- or better on their Sophomore General Examinations were considered eligible to take History 98, individual tutorial for credit. Now, Perkins said, juniors will be given tutorial in groups of three and four.

Seniors Get Preference

The greatest increase is in the number of seniors taking History 99; since they require individual supervision in the preparation of their theses, the strain on the program must be taken up in allocation of tutors to sophomores and juniors.


This year, sophomore tutorial will be given in groups of six or seven. History 98 will generally meet in groups of three, but some groups of four will be necessary.

The Department has made great efforts to expand the tutorial program to take care of the new students. Perkins said, but has been unable to find enough qualified tutors. As it is, he added, every tutor is carrying a little too much.

The overcrowding has also made it somewhat more difficult for juniors and seniors to do independent work in history. The Department, which does not grant Independent Study, occasionally permits students to take History 98 instead. The shortage of tutors will close this option to most applicants.
