
PBH Plans to Seek Grant From Anti-Poverty Fund

The Phillips Brooks House Association plans to apply for a federal grant of $225,000 from funds available under the Economic Opportunities (Anti-Poverty) Act, Edward S. LaMonte '65, PBH president, said yesterday.

LaMonte is basing his bid for aid on the contention that PBH programs, aimed at stimulating education and motivation, help to combat poverty.

LaMonte will fly to Washington on Friday with two other PBH officers, first vice-president Malcom R. Pfunder '65 and treasurer Michael F. Rein '65, to confer with Daniel P. Moynihan, an assistant Secretary of Labor. They will ask Moynihan, one of Sargent Shriver's assistants, whether the Anti-Poverty Act covers any PBH project.

The money is projected to finance the expansion of nine existing PBH programs over a period of three years. The changes will consist mainly of hiring more professionals, such as clinical psychologists and social workers, to serve in advisory capacities. More advisors will permit additional students to participate in PBH activities.

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A federal grant would also permit PBH to buy several automobiles and other equipment currently needed for its projects.

PBH plans to cover any increased administrative exepenses itself, according to Rein. Even without government aid, these expenditures are expected to increase $2000 in the next few years, he said. The present $12,000 budget comes from a Harvard endowment, alumni gifts, Combined Charities, and the Board of Preachers. Separate committees also raise their own funds, such as Project Tanganyika, which spends about $25,000 yearly.
