
Weaver Released on $1000 Bond; Legal Group Investigating Case

Claude L. Weaver '65 and two other students were released from a Jackson, Miss., Juli Saturday upon payment of their three $1000 hall bonds. The three Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) workers had been held since December 26 on a strong-arm robbery charge, stemming from a dispute ever a cab fare.

Money for Weaver's ball was raised Wednesday by the members of the Dunster House Senior Common room; the money for his companions came from the operating funds of SNCC.

In another development, the Lawyers Committee on Civil Rights Under Law has launched an investigation of the case at the urging of Erwin N. Griswold, Dean of the Law School. Dean Griswold is a member of the Executive Board of Directors of the Lawyer's Commission, a nationwide organization of eminent lawyers formed at President Kennedy's request to investigate and provide counsel in civil rights cases.

According to Jerome Shestack, a Philadelphia attorney and member of the Lawyer Committee, the legal group has asked several Mississippi lawyers to uncover the facts of the case and is awaiting a report from them Tuesday.

"We don't know for sure that there is a civil rights issue involved," said Shestack. "It might just be a dispute between a cab driver and his customers." He indicated, however, that he did not think the authorities would have carried the complaint so far if Waver and the others had not been SNCC workers.
