
Ambassador Kennan Plans To Resume Princeton Post

George F. Kennan announced Friday he will return next fall to Princeton University's Institute for Advanced Study after resigning as U.S. ambassador to Yugoslavia. In a Belgrade press conference, Kennan said he had notified the White House and the State Department a year ago of his intention to retire in July from the Foreign Service and resume teaching.

He did not explain the contradiction between his announcement and wire-service reports last month he had accepted a professorship at Harvard. The discrepancy remained yesterday, as University officials denied any knowledge of the affair.

J.Robert Oppenheimer '26, director of the Institute for Advanced Study, confirmed that Kennan would return to Princeton, but said only that first reports had been "erroneous". Dispatches from Washington correspondents of the Associated Press, United Press International, and the New York Times had said that Kennan would become a University professor here.

Instead, he will continue an indefinite appointment in the Institute's School of Historical Studies, from which he has been on leave of absence since 1961, when President Kennedy named him Ambassador to Yugoslavia.

Oppenheimer said he was "delighted" that Kennan had returned . The diplomat joined the Institute in 1953, right after serving two years as U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union.


The CRIMSON last week quoted a source close to the Board of Overseers as saying the Board had approved Kennan's appointment at their closed meeting in Washington Actually, Dean Ford said yesterday, the Board has done no more than discuss the possibility of hiring Kennan.

Kennan told the University that he would not decide where he would teach until he had been back in the United States for several months, Ford recalled.

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