

Masters generally scoffed yesterday at fears that abolishing the 'Cliffe's curfew would keep Harvard men out too late too often or cause more violations of parietals. But John H. Finley '25, Master of Eliot House, called the RGA proposal to allow sign-outs to morning hours "absurd quite absurd."

"Where would you go?" he asked, upon being informed that Radcliffe girls may be allowed to stay out until 6 or 7 a.m.; then added, "I suppose people are quite ingenious about that."

Speaking "not as a Master but as a father," Finley stated that "surely one o'clock is amply late. It's ridiculous for young people, especially girls, not to go home and go to bed."

But no one expressed official disapproval of the RGA plan or expected that it would pose any serious difficulties for Harvard. Asked whether the proposed rule would keep Harvard students out too late, David E. Owen, Master of Winthrop House, replied, "Don't ask me silly questions."

'Cliffe View


Anticipating violent disapproval from Harvard officials, some 'Cliffies argued that a drastic rule change should be avoided.

Typical reactions from Masters seemed to indicate that Harvard was not worried: "It hadn't ever crossed my mind." "I never really thought about this." "I have no opinion of any sort." "I never even heard it discussed among my colleagues."

'Cliffies have been heard to say that liberalizing their rules "won't do any good" unless Harvard parietals are lengthened.

Doing away with the rule forbidding students to stay in motels, the RGA proposal does not stipulate any places that are "off limits." However, President Bunting indicated at the RGA meeting Wednesday that her administration would deal severely with any Radcliffe girl found violating Harvard's parietal rules.

Asked if he thought the new rules would increase violations, Master Finley said, "I don't see how you're going to check on visitors, since the night-man goes off at 12:30." Delmar Leighton, Master of Dudley House, laughed and answered, "Don't ask me."
