
PBH Renews Program For Tanganyika Work

Members Claim Better Than Peace Corps

Phillips Brooks House has announced that it will renew Project Tanganyika, the program which sent 16 University students to Tanganyika last year.

PBH officers revealed that they had been investigating for two months the advisability of re-establishing the project this year. A highly enthusiastic response from prominent faculty members, from students who had gone on the project, and from the Tanganyikan government, finally convinced the investigating committee.

Last June, eight members of the Project flew to Tanganyika to remain for the summer and another eight to remain for the year, and one of the summer members eventually decided to stay for the year. The student, William A. Seaton '63 became the head of a physics department of a high school and was given his own lab.

Presently he is working in a refugee school with Haven C. Roosevelt '62, director of last year's project. The school is for refugees from Mozambique, South Africa, and South West Africa who have fled from their native countries to seek political asylum.

Other project members taught in secondary schools and in community centers. David R. Ebel '62, one of the year members of Project Tanganyika, is now junior economist in the Department of the Treasury in Dar-es Salaam, Tanganyika's capital.


Anne J. d'Harnoncourt '65 taught "American Tribal Dancing," which featured the Bunny-hop and Hokey-Pokey. During the summer, the program's emphasis is on community centers, where men, women, and children too young for government schools can learn valuable skills, prominent among which is English. A popular course offered to Tanganyikans this summer was the "direct method" of teaching English, originated by Professor I.A. Richards.

Last year's project cost $30,000, which was raised from foundation grants, private donations, and voluntary contributions from members of the Project. All money-raising was executed by project members. This year's project is estimated to cost the same.

A spokesman for PHB pointed out that the Project in many ways offers advantages over the Peace Corps, pointing out that it was the flexibility of the Project, unattached to any government, which allowed it to engage in such programs as the refugee school.

Members of the project will make two reports to the University, one to the PHB Faculty Committee and one to the University-at-large. The second report will be held tomorrow in PHB at 7:30 p.m. Applications will be available then and during the next five weeks.
