
Varsity Rugby Squad Battles Boston Fifteen To Hard Fought Tie

Seeking its first victory, the Crimson rugby squad could only tie the Boston Rugby Club 3 to 3 in a hard-fought battle Saturday. The varsity was plagued by backfield injuries and never managed to get going.

The game turned into an endurance match as the speedy Boston backs often ran into a wall of Harvard forwards. The The Harvard forwards, however, quickly proved themselves to be a potent unit, winning all but two of their set scrums and completely dominating the line outs.

In the first game of the afternoon's program, the Second XV handed M.I.T. a 23-3 drubbing. The weak MIT squad never posed a serious threat, scoring its second try by a fluke in the final seconds of the game.

Saturday the Crimson XV faces the Dartmouth powerhouse. Harvard has to put together a backfield to face the Indians, but at least the varsity has a week to do it in.
