
Sailors to Face 10 Rival Crews In Fowler Trial

The sailing team travels to the Coast Guard Academy at New London today to begin its defense of the prestigious Leonard M. Fowle trophy.

The Crimson sailors, with a record of five wins including the first Ivy League championship behind them, are strongly favored to win today's "A" elimination races and qualify for the finals early next month.

The competition today and tomorrow for the New England team racing championship will be sailed in International 12's on the Thames River. The top two schools will qualify for the finals which will also be held at New London.

While the Crimson faces strong competition from M.T.I. and Rhode Island in the "A" eliminations, the Coast Guard cadets will come to Cambridge for the "B" eliminations being held in M.I.T. boats.

If, as expected, Harvard finishes first or second in the races this weekend, the Crimson sailors will probably face the Coast Guard in the finals.


Although M.I.T. will challenge the Crimson today, the Engineers were defeated rather soundly last week in the Greater Boston Championship. Carter Ford's crew should be able to repeat its performance.

Besides Ford, Mike Horn, Mike Lehmann, and Dave Stookey will skipper the Internationals for Harvard. The same foursome won the team racing championship after a tough fight last fall.

Tony Davies, Dave Gantz, Robbie Robertson, and Des Fitz Gerald will crew for the team, and may get some experience handling the tiller. When possible, Ford is trying to let sophomores and juniors skipper in less crucial races, in order to prepare for a new front line next season.
