
Sullivan Admits Surprise

When John Briston Sullivan read in the New York Times that the White House had exerted pressure in the defeat of his office building on stilts, he was "amazed."

Sullivan told the CRIMSON last night that he had heard about the alleged interference previously, but had no "concrete evidence." He termed the proceedings "real rotten."

"What a stupid way to handle things," Sullivan declared. He said he could not understand why McGeorge Bundy worked to swing Republican votes against him. "I was led to believe in conversations with Charlie Whitlock that Bundy was in favor of the project before he went to Washington," Sullivan maintained.

Sullivan said that by his action, Kennedy had denied the real issue at stake--that of home rule. "He has insulted the Cambridge City Council--he is fighting them on the state level," he asserted. "What's he got against the politicians in Cambridge?"

"Does he believe in home rule for Africa?" Sullivan asked. "He believes in home rule all over the world, but not in Cambridge."


Sullivan said that he wished to change an earlier statement of his. Whereas he had wondered previously whether Governor Volpe would get an honorary degree this June or next June, now Sullivan was sure that it would come soon: "Volpe's got two votes now--one from Pusey and one from Kennedy."
