
Truman, Mrs. Roosevelt, Goldwater Will Lecture

Harry Truman, Barry Goldwater, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, and Gen. (ret.) Maxwell Taylor have accepted invitations from the Law School Forum to speak here during the Spring Term.

Truman has told the Forum only that he would like to speak after completing a planned vacation. No definite date has been set.

In the spring of 1959, the former President cancelled a scheduled visit to the University arranged by the Young Democrats and the U.N. Council.

The Forum plans to have Goldwater talk on "The First 100 Days" April 28. Replaying that the date comes during the Senate's busy period, the conservative Republican accepted with the option of cancelling later if necessary.

"I sincerely hope that your distinguished graduate, the President, will not attempt anything like a first 100 days," Goldwater wrote to the Forum. "But, if he does. I will be very willing to discuss the success of these days with you."


Taylor will speak April 21 on some phase of defense, while Mrs. Roosevelt will address the Forum May 1 on a topic to be announced later.

For Friday, Feb. 24, the Forum plans a debate on the Youth Corps by Rep. Henry D. Reuss (D-Wis.), originator of the plan, and John Spencer, of the Fletcher School of International Law and Diplomacy, who will oppose the idea.
