
A Happy Trio

KEITH JULIAN, LEE FREEMAN, and JOHN VAN-SCHALKWYK, executives of the Harvard Rugby Club, take time out for a picture after yesterday's practice in preparation for the game with the Manhattan Rugby Club this Saturday at 3 p.m. on Soldiers Field--the only Crimson athletic competition in Cambridge that day.

Van-Schalkwyk is captain, Freeman is secretary, and Julian is treasurer of the Club, now rated one of the top teams in the East by virtue of its 6-2 victory over highly-touted Dartmouth last Saturday.

Domintaing play in the scrum, Harvard dumped last year's Eastern Rugby Union champions, as Van-Schalkwyk and Freeman--both forwards--scored the Crimson's two tries. The win marked Harvard's third straight triumph in four starts. (OK to a slow start, the Crimson dropped its first game to the New York Rugby Club, but came back and scored impressive victories over Villanova and M.I.T. previous to Saturday's contest.)

The over-improving fifteen's lineup presently comprises, in the backfield: Dick Baker, scrum half; Bill Mares, fly half; Charlie Rowe and Steve Gehlback, centers; Al Rutan and Ian Pasley-Tyler wings; and Julian, fullback. In the scrum: Dick Schulman and Rick Rice, props; Dave McGugan, hooker; Buss Miller and Mike Stabler, second row; Fred Winthrop and Freeman, wing forwards; and Van-Schalkwyk, lock.

With a turnout of approximately 35 undergraduates and graduate students, the HRC has been able to field two full teams and arrange formal schedules for both. The second unit, with a 2-1 record to date, will play the Dartmouth second fifteen this Saturday at 1:45 p.m., also on Soldiers Field.


Trip to Europe

Encouraged by its victory Saturday, the Rugby Club is looking forward to its proposed trip to England over Christmas vacation. Presently, team members are collecting contributions from former players and other interested alumni. Expected to cost about $10,000, some of which will be paid by the players, the trip will take the fifteen to England and Ireland for a series of five games.

The Crimson has fielded one of its biggest squads in recent years, and "barring injuries," according to Freeman, "should win all of its remaining games this fall--including Yale and Princeton."
