
28 Freshmen Turn Down Places In This Year's Sophomore Class

The number of incoming students eligible for sophomore standing has risen significantly this year, but the number of eligible students who turned the offer down has more than tripled.

Twenty-eight of the 132 freshmen able to switch to the Class of 1964 refused to so. Last fall, only eight out of 96 turned the program down.

Sophomore standing requires advanced placement in three subjects. The total number of students with advanced placements did not increase this year, in spite the 30 per cent rise in the number enough A.P.'s to become sophomores.

Edward. T. Wilcox, director of advanced pointed out yesterday that he and spent more time than usual "talking people out of the program." He said that before 1961 he had not "advised his strongly against it."

Student "In Bind"

Wilcox said there are two primary uses in which he advises against accepting sophomore standing. The first concerns a student who wants to concentrate in a field in which he did not receive advanced placement. The situation places "virtually an absolute bind" on the undergraduate, since accepting sophomore standing would force him to participate in sophomore tutorial at the samethat he was taking the introductory course in that field.

He said that he did not want to un-conditionally forbid taking sophomore standing in such situations, since this policy might deter students from enter- fields in which they had not received advanced placement.

The second case in which Wilcox advises against sophomore standing concerns the freshman who is completely indecided about his choice of field. For this student, Wilcox said, the general education program is "precisely made to order."

Wilcox said he had been able to see all the students he felt should not accept sophomore standing, and that he had been able to dissuade all those he "felt about.


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