


House ball can get pretty tense sometimes. It's sort of obvious that one reason for this is that everyone would like to win, but there are lots of others. The House Master may well be watching, for one thing. And one's roommates might possibly be watching. Or, House ball being what it is, there is a good chance that no one at all is watching. All three circumstances can prove unnerving.

Worse than any of these, however, is the ever-present danger, heightened tenfold by the fact that House teams don't practice much, of the fumble.

The fumble struck down one of the league's more promising elevens this week. The situation was almost classic: Kirkland House, after rallying from a 6-0 deficit to an 8-6 lead, trailed the Leverett rabbit by 12-8. But Kirkland had the ball on the Leverett 3, and had downs and time for a couple more plays. It looked for a moment as if the Deacons might only need one, but a jarring collision on the one-yard line sent the ball squirting into the end zone, where a Leverett back pounced on it. Play resumed on the Leverett 20, continuing for only a few seconds before the final whistle.

Leverett in Race for Second

Beating Kirkland has put coach Paul Choquette's 15-man squad in an excellent position as far as the race for second place is concerned. The race for first place, unfortunately, looks like it will be a runaway. Leverett has already lost a game--to Eliot--and unless some other team (Kirkland ?) can knock off the Elephants, losing one game will be fatal.


Should Kirkland pull off a somewhat improbable stunt and defeat Eliot, the three teams could easily be locked in a tie. But Eliot is not likely to lose.

There will be four games this afternoon, one of which is going to be quite important. Quincy will take on Kirkland at 2:30 p.m. on the House fields, and if the Quins win, the Deacons weaken.

In the other 2:30 game, Eliot will meet Adams. Leverett will face Lowell at 4:15, and Winthrop will take on Dudley at the same time on the adjoining field. Two touch games are scheduled--Lowell against Quincy at 2:15 and Adams against Eliot at 3:45.

The men to watch in the Quincy-Kirkland game will be Ken Anderson and Jeb Shelton, in the Quincy backfield, and Lee Raitz and Ray Waitkins for Kirkland. Kirkland will be running out of its characteristic single wing, bolstered with lots of Princeton-type buck laterals. Quincy uses a wing-T.
